Our Diploma in Personal Training is a foundational program designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the science behind various health and fitness concepts and components. Our curriculum includes well-researched and up-to-date information that unlocks a student’s potential to effectively utilize all given tools for their clients’ physical and behavioral success.
Our Diploma is internationally recognized by AIEE, REPsIndia, REPsUAE, a member of the International Confederation of Registers for Exercise Professionals (ICREPs) under the Personal Trainer category and is accredited by PD:Approval.
Upon graduation, you will be eligible for certificate upgrades to Personal Trainer License, along with a portability letter. Our graduates can work as world-class Personal Trainers internationally and have the added benefit of portability to any other country under ICREPs, including the US, Canada, Australia, India, Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand, and Poland.